Monday, October 14, 2013

Hide Ya Kids: 31-Year-Old Woman Popped By One-Time For Posing As Teen To Seduce Underage Boy


She had to pose as a teen to get some peen? Sad.

Woman Poses As Teen To Seduce Boy

There is something in the Florida water. They let Casey Anthony and George Zimmerman go and now they have another person to add to the list of crazies.
According to The NY Daily News
A Florida woman posed as a teen to seduce a 14-year-old boy into a seedy sexual relationship before choking him when he tried to leave her home, police said.
Naomi Dixon, 31, allegedly pretended she was just 17 after meeting the boy at a party near her home in Deltona.
The pair reportedly had sex on the night they met and then a subsequent eight more times.
Her victim allegedly told cops that he would spend most of his time hanging out at Dixon’s home.
He tried to leave several times, he claimed, but she would get upset.
Once she tried to choke him, while another time she made cuts to her arms and tried to carve his initials into her flesh.
The boy told his parents about Dixon after getting tired of her trying to keep him at her home.
Dixon was questioned by police on Thursday and, saying she thought he was 18, initially denied having sex.
But she later confessed and was arrested, reports the Daytona Beach News-Journal.
Currently held at Volusia County Branch Jail on $50,000 bail, Dixon is charged with two counts of lewd/lascivious battery involving a sex act on a person between 12 and 16 years of age

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