Saturday, November 16, 2013

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Says He Has Enough P*ssy To Eat At Home [VIDEO]

Alleged crack cocaine smoking Toronto mayor Rob Ford clearly has no sense of chill. During a press conference this morning (November 14), the leader of Canada's largest city denied eating the vagina of a woman because he is happily married and has plenty to eat at home. Trust us, we're not making this up, and of course there is video. 
Ford spoke to the media to detail why he was upset a friend of his was called a prostitute and deny that he had smoked lines of coke with her while partying. Of course.
Reports the Toronto Star:
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford shocked reporters and a live television audience Thursday morning when he spoke in salty language while talking to reporters at city hall.
Stepping out of the elevator, the mayor said he was upset by the release of court documents the day before, describing a woman named Alana as an escort or prostitute.
He added that he was taking legal action against several ex-staffers and a waiter at the Bier Markt for allegations contained in the legal document.
Those were allegations and have not been proven in court.
However, the kicker was the statement Ford closed with:
Oh, and the last thing was Olivia Gondek. It says I wanted to eat her pussy and I have never said that in my life to her. I would never do that.
I'm happily married. I've got more than enough to eat at home. Thank you very much.

Ford has since apologized and says he is getting help. Check out the footage below.

Photo: Chris Young/The Canadian Press

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