Thursday, November 7, 2013

Crack Smoking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Maniacally Rages About Killing Someone [VIDEO]

Crack Smoking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Maniacally Rages About Killing Someone [VIDEO]

Toronto mayor Rob Ford is a wild boy. After admitting that he might be a crack smoker, on occassion, new video has emerged today that makes it evident that cocaine isn't homie's only illegal substance of choice. 
The Toronto Sun obtained the video of Ford acting like a loon.
The video was this week being shopped around by someone looking to make thousands of dollars. The Toronto Sun discussed the video with the vendor but did not purchase it or enter into negotiations.
The anonymous person sent the Toronto Sun two short clips from the video which appear to show the mayor impaired and in an apparent rage and in an inebriated state.
"I need f---ing 10 minutes to make sure he's dead," Ford is heard saying on the clip sent to the Sun.
Let us list some of the struggle seen in the footage.
So frantic is Ford's speech that subtitles are need to ascertain all that he said.
Someone on Ford's squad is clearly a snitch.
Mr. Ford needs a belt.
The full version will surely be epic, if and when it drops. Hey, this guy is one of many politicians to have a substance abuse problem, allegedly.

Watch all the Rob Ford video shenanigans for yourself below.

Photo: YouTube
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