Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Weave Gang Strikes Again: Miss “Youmi” Narrates Video Fighting Off Weave Gang [Video]

Weave Gang Strikes Again: Miss “Youmi” Narrates Video Fighting Off Weave Gang [Video]

North Little Rock police are searching for thieves tonight, but not just any kind.
Detectives say a large group of girls stole hair extensions from a beauty store.
Just minutes after the robbery, we talked to the owner of Wig and Beauty Plus in North Little Rock.
She was still in shock by what happened but wanted to show us the surveillance video in hopes it will help lead to the suspects arrests.
For the past 20 some years, Youmi has been in the business of selling hair and she’s never seen anything quite like this.
She said, “And they come in here one minute and try to take everything of mine.”
Just before 4:00 this afternoon Youmi says a group of nine girls — one carrying a baby — stormed her store looking for hair extensions but not planning to pay for the merchandise.
“Eight to nine teenagers came in, young children came in,” she said.
In surveillance video you can see the ladies gathered around a display, looking at the hair.
Youmi says at some point, the girls opened up empty purses and shoved the expensive extensions inside.
She said, “Two girls just pushed me everywhere. I mean, I’m so nervous. I’ve never had this problem here.”
Then, the girls took off running, knocking over everything in their way.
Youmi said, “I tried to grab and punch them and they’re younger and faster. I’m 51.”
The suspects jumped in a car and sped off.
Youmi says they stole $1000 worth of merchandise.
She did report this crime to police and it’s under investigation tonight.
youtube FOX16

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