Saturday, October 12, 2013

NFL Star Adrian Peterson Learned Of Dead Son's Existence Just A Few Months Ago

Adrian Peterson Learned Of Dead Son's Existence Just A Few Months Ago

The situation Adrian Peterson finds himself in is horrific with his 2-year-old son having been murdered at the hands of the mother's boyfriend. An interesting twist in this terrible situation is that the NFL star had only just become aware of the child's existence a few months ago. 
The first time Peterson met the child (he has another son that is the same age) was when he rushed to the hospital in South Dakota to be by the doomed 2 year old's side.
TMZ reports:
Multiple sources connected to the situation tell us ... roughly 2-3 months ago, the mother of the child had a paternity test done with an ex she suspected to be the father, in an effort to collect child support from him. 
But the test turned up negative, so the woman went to Adrian ... with whom she had a sexual encounter several years ago. 
We're told ... when Adrian was first informed about the matter, he didn't question the possibility he was the dad -- but rather asked how he could help the situation. 
Sources tell us ... a few weeks ago, A.P. started to plan a trip to South Dakota to meet the child for the first time and he was supposed to fly out later this month. 
But when he heard the news about the attack on the 2-year-old, Peterson dropped everything and jetted over to Sioux Falls as soon as he could. 
Joseph Patterson, the child's killer, who apparently had a history of domestic violence, was arrested and charged with aggravated battery of an infant and aggravated assault Friday morning (Oct. 11). His bond is set at $750,000.
Peterson, who plans to play on Sunday, addressed the press after practice and told those assembled, "This is a private matter, and I ask y'all to please respect my privacy and not ask at all about the situation at hand."

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