Friday, October 18, 2013



THURSDAY, OCT 17, 2013 

Atlanta rapper 2 Chainz recently took the time to sit down and react to the good, the bad and the ugly comments made about his "Feds Watching" music video.

While Chainz mostly joked about a majority of the YouTube users' comments, he did become personal and spoke on his real feelings toward bloggers.

"For me, I think about people being on the computer actually replying to someone who has millions of followers and millions of things going on and how they take the time out," Chainz said in the video. "I just try to figure out what the person is doing or where they're sitting at and just what's going on in their day and I just, I don't let it bother me but some of it is definitely hilarious." (Noisey)

A few years ago, Young Money's Drakeadmitted it took only one blogger to distract him.

"I definitely haven't said this before, but I stopped going on a computer," he explained in an interview. "I have a problem where if I go read a hundred positive things about me and there's one guy in there who says 'I hate Drake' that's the one I pay attention to. I think that's a common problem. Negativity hurts us more than positivity helps us. I asked about 10 or 20 people around me, 'When's the last time you went on a website and commented on something, like a song dropped and you went on and said, 'That song is hot' or 'That song is terrible?' And everyone I asked around me, whose opinions I respect, the people I love, were like, 'I've never done that before.' And these are all level-headed, intelligent people whose opinion I respect, so I just started saying to myself, 'It takes a certain type of individual to really participate in a group discussion about someone else, especially if they're going super hard with consistent hate." (Paper Mag)

Chicago's Rhymefest previously hit up SOHHabout dealing with negative feedback from bloggers.
"If five people think you're sh*t, then not only will it bring you down a few notches, it will affect the art that you're trying to create," Rhymefest told SOHH. "Because it'll make it so that you're stuck, so then you can't create freely because you're thinking about what those five people said and not even what the fifty people said about how they loved it. And I sat and thought in the studio for four hours, 'Why does my existence disgust this person, what is it about the way God made me that disgusts another individual?' It took me four hours to snap out of it to say what the f*ck am I doing? This dude is probably 11 years old, it could be anything. And then what I noticed is a lot of people that write that sh*t, if you give them attention like, 'So what songs don't you like?' dude, these same people be like, 'Oh my God, he talked to me. I love your sh*t!' You figure out, all this person wanted was for someone to recognize them. Where I'm with it now, I'm a f*cking star dude. Like, I'm popular -- people want to knock you off whatever it is....artists have to keep looking straight." (SOHH)
Rapper Memphis Bleek previously admitted to using bloggers' feedback as "fuel" for his writing content.
"I'm not a blogger but I definitely do read the blogs," Bleek said in an interview. "I read the comments. It's fuel for a guy like me because I love to hear what people gotta say. If you look at it, on a percentage scale, 20% of the s**t is real, and 80% of the s**t is bulls**t but that 20% is what matters. Somebody is gonna comment something real that you can take wit' you and put into your craft or your daily routine. Somebody gon' care about you." (All Hip Hop)

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