Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Mistah Fab and Philthy Rich Respond To Messy Marv's New Diss Song "I'm Right Here" On Twitter

Earlier today Messy Marv released a new diss track aimed Philthy Rich and longtime nemesis Mistah Fab called "I'm Right Here" where Messy Marv calls Mistah Fab for gossiping about Messy Marv on Twitter. After hearing the song Mistah Fab confronted Messy Marv on Twitter. Mistah Fab called Messy Marv a junkie and nicknamed him "Hook Mitchell." Hook Mitchell was a well known street baller from West Oakland who never made it called it to the NBA and eventually became a drug addict and turned to life of crime. Messy Marv called Mistah Fab a "hypercrite." Messy and Fab's Twitter War went on for about an hour then Mistah Fab went back to his Twitter page.

  1. Yea I seen the movie he fell off like cuz blood from Fillmoe lol shout out to the real crips and bloods it's all love tho
  2. is my brother tho im a leave it at that
  3. All I do is laugh at that nigga THE GIRL GIRL IS A SUFFERING DRUG addict he's like the uncle we keep rooting for to pull thru But he HOOKED
  4. Is this how rap works now?? Start fake beefs to get buzz???? Hahahahthat nigga could speak on me forever he's never hear a record from me
  5. So let me guess MESS starts a fake beef wit me so his next song he can say some shit and gain some mo exposure & feels better bout hisself?
  6. Can't get over how you can be mad at a person for doing something POSITIVE!!!! Like helping the KIDS Dats a sickness
  7. Tell me who put on for the Bay Area like me???? Backpack giveaway,food & toy drives, scholarships,open mics,activism Ill wait FAB 4 MAYOR
  8. Anyways back to the regularly scheduled program if you really with this bay unity come out TO Oakland live tomorrow
  9. It's crazy how your childhood idols become your rivals THIS NIGGA OBSESSED WITH FAB Go check the girl girl twitter he love talking bout me

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