Friday, October 18, 2013

Florida High School Student Takes Selfie While Teacher Has Labor Pains

Florida High School Student Takes Selfie While Teacher Has Labor Pains


Most can agree that childbirth is a beautiful moment, but rarely does a person use that opportunity to make a personal statement. For one high school student in Florida, the lure to take a goofyselfie photo while his pregnant teacher experienced some contractions was too hard to pass up.
Malik Whiter, a junior at Coral Springs Charter School, snapped the photo of Susana Halleck, who was experiencing possible contractions although she isn't due until Dec. 15. Captioned “selfie with my teacher while she having contractions” and posted on Twitter, the photo went viral in minutes. When asked why he took the photo, Whiter basically just wanted to share in the moment and preserve the memory.
From Local10:
He said she is a great teacher and wanted to capture the memorable moment for himself and her.
At the time the picture was snapped, she was having a contraction and was on the phone with her mother assuring her everything would be fine.
Even though she left school and went to the hospital, she did not have the baby and returned to school on Thursday.
Whiter didn't expect the photo to be such a big hit, and essentially laughed off the moment. Halleck has yet to comment, but we expect she's probably not too pleased to be caught up in a photo bomb like that.

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