Friday, October 11, 2013

Baby Mama Drama: Meek Mill’s BM Puts Him On Instagram Blast For His Dirty Dog Deeds!

Meek Fahimah
Hell hath no fury…

Meek Mill’s Baby Mama Puts Him On Blast For Cheating On Instagram

The name Meek Mill’s debut album “Dreams And Nightmares” is shining example of the power of the tongue. Sure the Philly spitter has attained his childhood dream of fame, riches, and a bevy of “bad b!t$#es”, but all those things have come at the expense of his relationship with his child’s mother.
Fahimah Raheem has been Meek’s long-standing girlfriend/baby mama but it appears that after years of disrespect she is FINALLY letting go of the girlfriend title to allow Meek to swim the STD-infested waters of groupie hoes. At one tense point in their relationship Meek’s sister even jumped in to air out Fahimah publicly!
Yesterday, Fahimah hopped on Instagram to let it known that she’s done being #1, she wants to be the ONLY!
Fahdy 1

Images via Instagram/Twitter

Fahdy 2

Fahdy 1

Fahdy 2

Fahdy 3

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